The mare...
... makes the herd!

Our Brood Mares

Everything started with the chestnut coloured Duellant daughter State Premium Mare Duellmodell – That was in the mid 1960s. The passionated rider Willhelm Hoffrogge had luck on his side! He invested the 1000 German mark he had won in the lottery and bought himself a young mare from the last crop of the Celler sire Duellant. Duellmodell proved to be his jackpot. She became the founding mare of the successful Hoffrogge breeding which has produced several licensed stallions, premium mares, athletic and auction hits thanks to careful selection and pairing. All of them carry the Oldenburg branding.

Nowadays there are about 15 horses, among them are four brood mares, on the model farm owned by family Hoffrogge in DΓΆtlingen in the beautiful Wildeshausener Geest.