Flying Dancer OLD
7th place World Breeding Championships (6 y.o.)


*2012 by Fürst Romancier out of Walida by Sir Donnerhall I-Rohdiamant

Flying Dancer OLD who is closely related to the licensed stallion Flugato (by Foundation) and the diamond ring mare Assich's Wild Rose (by Sarkozy) started his career in 2015 with bronze at the Oldenburg State Championship in Rastede and with the fourth place at the Bundeschampionat (3 y.o.) under Hermann Gerdes. He was the best gelding of his year in Warendorf. In 2016 he was the top auction horse at the Oldenburg Spring Elite Auction and was bought by the stud Vorwerk. He qualified for the Bundeschampionat in 2018 under his rider Dorothee Schneider and was able to make the seventh place in the World Breeding Dressage Championship (6 y.o.).



*2012 by Foundation out of St.Pr.St. Dötlinger Deern by Fürst Heinrich-Duntroon

Dornröschen received the associations premium and was on of the top offers at the 83rd Oldenburg Fall Elite Auction in 2015 in Vechta.



*2012 by Sir Donnerhall I out of St.Pr.St. Florina by Florencio I-Freiherr

Fiorella, the full sister to our A.O.S. foal auction hit Flirt with me and the auction-elite Dötlinger Dominator as well as the young talent Santiano who is currently for sale, received the Oldenburg Main Premium (previously State Premium) and was one of the most desired offers of the 85th Oldenburg Fall Elite Auction in Vechta.



*2011 by Sir Donnerhall I out of St.Pr.St. Florina by Florencio I-Freiherr

Flirt with me is the full sister to our elite riding horses Dötlinger Dominator who was sold at the 81st elite auction and OLHPr.A. Fiorella who was sold at the 85th elite auction as well as our young talent Santiano who is currently for sale. In 2011 she was the top auction foal at the A.O.S. auction in Ankum and was sold for 60,000 € to Norway.



*2010 by Sarkozy out of Warikina by Fürst Heinrich-Rohdiamant

She is closely related to the licensed stallion Flugato (by Foundateion) and Flying Dancer (by Fürst Romancier) who was placed in the World Breeding Dressage Championship, the Bundeschampionat and the State Championship.

In 2013 Assich's Wild Rose was part of the Oldenburg Diamond Ring in Rastede and was awarded with the II-Premium. After that she won several riding and dressage horse competitions.


*2010 by Sir Donnerhall I out of St.Pr.St. Florina by Florencio I-Freiherr

Dötlinger Dominator who was also an auction elite in Vechta is the full brother to the 60,000 € A.O.S. top auction foal Flirt with me, OLHPR.A. Fiorella who was sold at the 85th elite auction and Santiano who is our youngest talent and currently for sale (all sired by Sir Donnerhall I).


*1989 by Corlando out of St.Pr.St. Liberta by Ultraschall-Luciano

Full brother to Calgary and Chablis who were both highly successful in the jumping sport.

Corleone was placed as a six year old in the Bundeschampionat for jumping horses under Joachim Heyer and had several successes in the course up to the advanced class.


*1990 by Corlando out of St.Pr.St. Liberta by Ultraschall-Luciano

Full brother to Corleone and Chablis who were both highly successful in the jumping sport

Under Holger Wulschner she reached placings in the advanced class before breeding.


*1991 by Corlando out of St.Pr.St. Liberta by Ultraschall-Luciano

Full brother to Corleone and Calgary who were both highly successful in the jumping sport

Chablis was introduced into sport under Joachim Heyer and participated as a six year old in the Bundeschampionat and was successful in the advanced classes up to three stars later on.


*1985 by Ramino out of Linore by Luciano-Duellant

Half brother to the also licensed Richelshagen (by Rubinstein) and to the advanced jumping horse Carissimo (by Corlando)

Rodomo was licensed in 1988 in Oldenburg and was stationed at the state stud Zweibrücken. His offspring compete in the advanced jumping classes.



*2006 by Sir Donnerhall I out of Lady Ashley by Painter’s Row xx-Rubinstein I

Line of the Duellmodell

Simply Virtual was licensed in 2008 by the Oldenburg Association in Vechta. He won in Dressage Horse competitions under Christoph Koschel before finding his way to the advanced classes. Today he is highly successful up to Intermediate I.



*2012 by Sir Donnerhall I out of Verb.Pr.St. Riverdance by Rohdiamant-Absinth

Half sister to Diamond’s Magic (sire Diamond Hit)

Romantic love was sold at the 84th Oldenburg Elite Auction to the USA in 2016 and is being prepared for the higher classes by the American Grand Prix rider Jane Karol.


*1990 by Corlando out of Linore by Luciano-Duellant

Half brother to the licensed stallions Rodomo (by Ramino) and Richelshagen (by Rubinstein)

Carissimo has been collecting victories and successes up to the advanced class under Hanno Feerksen.


*1994 by Rubinstein out of Linore by Luciano-Duellant

Half brother to the also licensed Rodomo (by Ramino) and the advanced jumping horse Carissimo (by Corlando)

Richelshagen was licensed in Oldenburg in 1996 and completed his 100 day test in 1999 in Redefin with the fourth best jumping index and was very successful in the sport. Among his offspring is the Grand Prix successful Rubino.


*1998 by Donatelli I out of Linore by Luciano-Duellant

Half brother to the licensed stallions Rodomo (by Ramino) and Richelshagen (by Rubinstein I)

With Ludwig Weinmayr's four-in-hand Donazetti won gold in 2008 and bronze in 2010 at the German Championships. In 2007 and 2009 he made the fourth place and in 2011 the fifth place. He received team bronze at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky/USA in 2010 and team silver at the Driving World Championship in Beesd/NED in 2008. He was part of Ludwig Weinmayr's team for the European Championships in Breda/NED in 2011 and in Izsak/HUN in 2013.


*1982 by Freiherr out of Wenke by Adrian-Waidmannsheil

Weltwunder was in the Oldenburg Diamond Ring, the top offer at the elite auction and advanced to championess in 1986 in Aachen. She produced the licensed and up to Grand Prix successful Donnerschwee as well as his full brothers Deutscher Orden, Dr. Lobo and D.J. Lobo (all sired by Donnerhall) and the half brother Dayton (by Davignon I) who were sold for a top price at auction.